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Big Game hunting, when carried out properly, plays a significant role in the conservation of Africa's wildlife, as well as providing economic support to the local indigenous tribes in the various regions.


Kilombero North Safaris takes responsibility to ensure that we put more back into the environment than we actually take out. We contribute a proportion of our revenue to the local regions to pay for area infrastructure such as roads, anti-poaching and the education of local communities within the hunting areas. With Kilombero North Safaris you are purchasing an experience and an opportunity to take part in the hunt, rather than simply bagging a trophy. No animal is guaranteed. After all, we are hunting for the thrill of the chase, and any trophy that is taken should be looked upon as a bonus. 


Your guide will help you select an animal taking two factors into consideration; firstly, that the animal can be taken swiftly and humanely and secondly, that it does not negatively impact the sustainability of the wildlife population it derives from.


Our clients can be proud to know that their money is being spent wisely and appropriately in Anti-poaching Assistance and Community Development in and around our hunting concessions.

We continue to seize firearms and over the years have made numerous arrests. In addition to assisting the Game Division in enforcement, we have also developed unique programs to help alleviate poverty, assist in building schools and dispensaries as well as provide employment for many villagers within our areas. Your contributions combined with our policy of minimum off-take have improved our concessions every year. Few other companies have spent as much time and money in these endeavours. Hunters pay for conservation.

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Kilombero North Safaris Limited, a registered company holding TIN number 100-215-918 in Tanzania and Wembere Hunting Safaris Ltd, a registered company holding TIN number 101-330-494 in Tanzania. 

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